Value Analysis:

Value Analysis (VA) is concerned with existing products. It involves a team evaluating a product to reduce costs, improve product function, or both. This analysis is methodical, and its steps include an assessment of costs, function, alternative components, and design aspects such as ease of manufacture and assembly.


Value Engineering:

Value Engineering (VE) is concerned with new products during their development. Here the focus is on reducing costs, improving function, or both. VE emphasizes teamwork-based product evaluation and analysis before any capital is invested in tools, plants, or equipment.


For Our Customers

Our expert engineering team implements these procedures so that you can realize the essential benefits and attributes of your products. They find the most cost-effective production and distribution processes without lowering the quality of your parts, and eliminate or reduce those processes that drive up costs and harm quality.

The main goal of our Value Analysis and Engineering is to lower the price of production without sacrificing quality. That price includes all of the resources required to manufacture parts, such as labor, raw material, transportation, storage, and overhead. Mathematically, it can be represented as:

Value Added = (Product’s value after the activity) - (Product’s value before the activity)
